Rare Activities: What To Do While In Quarantine
Two weeks ago, I found myself losing my mind and soul to the chaos of the external world. I literary dived into the whole pandemic hysteria, and for a while it seemed like there is no way out. But. I got myself together, here is how:
Dressed up for the occasion
I participated in WFH FemmeTv Challenge: I captured my quarantine look, shared it, and it made me realise that I am not alone. Try it.
Streamed the Swan Lake
Opera de Paris shared online streaming of the Swan Lake, choreographed by iconic Rudolf Nouriev. Beautiful music of Tchaikovsky and the performance will blow your mind. You can watch it here (until April 5th).
Took a deep dive into Italian cinematography
Let Fellini’s La Dolce Vita take your mind off everything for a few hours. Also make sure to watch Madly in Love with beautiful Ornella Mutti. I promise, you will love it.
La Dolce Vita, Scene in Fountain di Trevi
Tried something new
I never thought that going to a supermarket can become the occasion to dress up and do my make up. However, this is the reality we are living in, so I wore glitter eyeliner while shopping for groceries. It is time to try new things and this account got me inspired (@posvoemu).
Reorganised my closet
I am taking this quarantine to restructure everything in my life, and that includes my looks and my closet. If you don’t know where to start, try Marie Kondo’s methods.
Article written by Anastasia Agurbash